My Story

My Story

My Story

My Story

My Story

My Story

“Get Comfortable
A cute photo of me in front of a wall of plants covering my face with a monstera leaf.
being Uncomfortable.   ”

My Story

Through personal experiences, career 360s and the occasional face plant, I've realized that some of the most extraordinary creations, successes, innovations, and lessons emerge from these unexpected moments. By cultivating a flexible and adaptable mindset, I navigate diverse situations with diligence and savor the precious moments along the way.

“Perfection is Achieved not

when There is nothing more to

add, But when there is nothing

left to take away. ”

-Antoine De Saint-Exupéry

Photo of me eating a large cannoli.A photo of me in a pink hued beehive room.Photo of me hiking in Colorado standing in front of a large rock tilted sideways.
Photo of me in China standing in front of a colorful background.

From day one to probably day one million, I believe imposter syndrome will be 100% real and prevalent. While it may seem debilitating at first, I find it reassuring at the same time.

Design with me

The essence of strategy is choosing what to do & what not to do.

Throughout my design process, I employ a meticulous approach tailored to the project's specific requirements and understanding the why. When research takes center stage, I delve deep into understanding the product and its users, unearthing valuable insights that inform every design choice. Other times, when the project leans towards a more visual design focus, I carefully balance aesthetic elements with user-centric considerations, ensuring an intuitive and delightful experience.

Design has the power to evoke emotions, engage users, and make a lasting impact. It is the Bridge between functionality & Aesthetics, creating beauty with a purpose.

Creating Memories

A photo of me acting silly sticking out my tongue in Shanghai at the Bund.
“The only Way you grow is by stepping into the unknown.  ”

When I’m not working, I find joy in exploring the world, immersing myself in new places and cultures, and embracing the unknown, while flowing and dancing along to the music. Accompanied by one of my favorite beverages in hand: a cup of coffee, matcha or boba, these moments of discovery and inspiration fuel my personal & creative growth.

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